"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"

Well, what can I say?

Firstly, a huge thank you to Julie-Anne for giving me a copy of this book for Christmas. Secondly, a sincere apology to her (and myself) for taking so long to read the book. Thirdly, and lastly, my sincere thanks to the author, Steig Larsson, and my acknowledgment that he was gone far too soon.

His first novel in The Millenium Trilogy had me on the edge of my seat. Despite the fact that the book is 533 pages long, I essentially completed the novel in less than 10 hours - 3-4 hours in the hair salon and another 3-4 hours sitting on the couch today - and if it had not been for the fact that I had dinner in the oven, I would have raced to Borders to pick up the next two books!

Larsson has managed to write a crime thriller that leaves you guessing whilst at the same time becoming incredibly attached to the central characters. His attention to detail is to be commended. Whilst I was invited into the text to see everything through the meticulous third person narration, I was not limited to the inane description that so often becomes the fall back of crime authors. This description contained throughout the book seemed to actively encourage me to visualise the characters, the scenery and the developments in the plot. At times, this proved so powerful that I came close to putting the book down. Certainly, after one incredibly disturbing scene, my facial expressions were obviously so distressed that my fiance asked me what was wrong and if I was ok!

I won't go into the plot itself for fear of spoiling it for anyone. However, I will state the following quite plainly.
You would have to be an absolute fool to consider watching the soon to be released film adaptation of this book. After reading it, I am convinced that there would be no possible way to effectively capture this novel - certainly it would not be possible to fit everything in, nor would certain elements get past the censors. Read it, don't waste your time watching what is sure to be a mediocre Hollywood masscare of a well-written, well-developed storyline.

Curl up in a comfy chair and get to know Henrick, Mikael, Lisbeth and the many other intriguing characters through your own imagination. I firmly believe that it will be much more satisfying.

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